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The Importance Of Vaccines

By Maryl Joop

With changes in health care legislation, it may seem that your health care is out of your hands. It may seem that way at times, but there are still many things you can do to cut costs for yourself and for the nation as a whole.

So what is health insurance anyway?

Here are a few suggestions on how you can ensure your affordable health insurance stays that way, and become healthier as well.

How does health insurance coverage work?

Although many illnesses are unpredictable, many health problems and diseases can be avoided or mitigated by living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the "Dos" and "Don'ts" to live a healthy lifestyle.

Prevent Shingles

Do eat a well-balanced diet; the adage, "You are what you eat" has truth to it. The health benefits of increasing the number of fruits and vegetables you consume are numerous.

The amount of the deductible can vary greatly depending on the plan. The cost of the deductible and the cost of your premium have an inverse relationship.

Don't smoke or use drugs. Tobacco and illegal drugs, or even abusing prescription medications, will only harm your body-don't do it.

If you have routine medical visits a higher premium with a lower deductible may be a better choice for you and your family.

Your primary care physician can be your best ally when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle while preventing serious problems. Preventative visits help you understand your health and know what you need to work on to help you achieve true health and wellness.


Not only will proper diagnosis and specialist recommendations save you and your personal health insurance provider money, it will save you hours of time and significant emotional energy.

Coinsurance is similar to a copay, but the amount is determined by a percentage instead of a set amount. For example if my coinsurance responsibility was 20 percent, a $100 doctor visit would cost me $20.

Prepare to See Your Physician

For example, a three-day stay in a hospital can cost around $30,000. Even an injury that may seem routine, like repairing a broken arm, costs thousands of dollars.

Research what to expect at your doctor's visit to eliminate surprise and reduce stress. You can also research your symptoms and disease to come up with a list of meaningful questions.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella-oh my!

This provides more people with the health benefits that come from seeking quality care.

You truly are protected from unreasonable financial hardship should tragedy strike.

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