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Proven Ways To Save Money On Car Insurance

By Jill Branham

Lots of people are mystified by car insurance but the reality is that most types of insurance are based on common sense and the dread of the unexpected. For this reason, automobile owners who need to save cash on automobile insurance can simply apply the common-sense tack. This approach is a straightforward matter of looking at all of the options and using the right one. You can economize on car insurance by applying some basic "dos and don'ts".

The very first thing you need to do to save money is to carry out a little bit of research. Get familiar with all the different forms of car insurance and know the robust points of every one. Do not depend on the suggestions of your insurance broker. Remember, the broker gets a commission on sales so he or she may want to sell you as much insurance as practicable. Don't buy all the policies offered by your broker. Buy only the ones which will do you the most good.

One extremely bright idea is to raise your "deductible". This is the total you pay for making a claim when your insurance hasn't "kicked in" yet. The good thing about raising your deductible is that insurance premium will go down. For comprehensive and crash insurance, raising your deductible will scale back your premium by 16%-30%.

Many people insure their vehicles because car theft is exceedingly commonplace. Insurance corporations know this and that's why insurance agents and brokers advise vehicle owners to install anti-theft devices in their cars. What you may not know is that installing a very effective anti-theft device on your car will cut back your premium. The best devices are the one which shut off your car's fuel pump and disable the starter. Install this device in and you can negotiate with your insurer for a lower premium.

You can also save a lot of money if you drop insurance policies on older autos. All autos are valuable but older autos aren't as valuable as new ones. If your car is relatively old, it may not make a lot of sense to keep paying premiums on your crash and thorough insurance. Once you determine the value of your car, (relative to your insurance policy) you can drop insurance policies on older cars and save money.

Another smart way to economize is to use low mileage rebates. If you simply drive your car to work and back, the risk for your insurer is comparatively low. Some insurance corporations offer discounts to auto owners who drive less than a specific number of miles to work every day. Find out if you qualify for this concession and use it.

Finally, you can cut insurance costs by driving a "low profile car". Some vehicles are extremely fascinating to car thieves. Naturally, it is more expensive to insure such autos. Alternatively, if your auto's not in the most frequently taken car category, you will pay a lower amount for automobile insurance. Drive a low profile automobile and reduce insurance costs. These are some proven techniques to economize on auto insurance.

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