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The Origins Of Insurance

By Adam Wesley

Too often we read in the newspapers or hear on the television that a family home has been destroyed by fire which has also taken the life of a loved one. That loved one can never be brought back and causes immeasurable grief to the family. The situation is made much worse for the family if that loved one is also the bread winner. The existing debts mount up and there is no source of income to feed the family.

However, there is another method which can be a whole lot easier that what I've just described. E-Policies or online insurance policies are fast becoming the way to apply for life insurance, in fact for just about any form of insurance. There are pros and cons with e-policies, as there are with most things in life, but I'll leave that up to you to decide after you've read this article.

Online insurance policies can be easy to apply for and don't take much time to complete. You can complete them in the comfort of your home at a time that suits you. You complete the form yourself thus avoiding mistakes which could prove costly later when making a claim. It often costs less than applying for policies through an agent because it cuts out distribution costs and agents fees. You can see all of your options and finally decide only when you have all of the information. In fact, you can run a comparison against of features and fees of other insurance providers and be even better informed. There are often different and exclusive online policies which are unavailable from their offices or through an agent. Finally, you can look up reviews from happy and unhappy customers to gauge the performance of a particular insurance provider.

The Great Fire of London in 1666 caused untold damage to the city, leaving it in smoldering ruins. As a result of the London fire, several pieces of legislation was passed to try and prevent the huge losses experienced then. There was legislation stipulating the formation of fire teams with sufficient buckets and ladders in each quarter of the city. Another law allowed for the formation of an organization to indemnify owners and occupants for losses due to fire. The first insurance company to come into being was called "The Insurance Office" and was located behind London's Royal Exchange, known as the stock market.

Insurance is important for all kinds of reasons. Life insurance is important and needs to be factored into the family income plan early in life, before tragedy strikes. It is always more beneficial to stay protected than have to worry about making decisions without enough money.

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